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About us


NEW HOPE FOR CHILDREN ORG is an initiative of kind people who have volunteer their lives in assisting those Communities and children who are Marginalized, abandoned, neglected mistreated and isolated due to difficult circumstances such as extreme levels of poverty, alcoholism, children living with other partners (lovers) of their parents, doubt of biological parenthood, living with HIV and AIDS,  and death of parents / caregivers.


There are many children and their caregivers  living with HIV  and  AIDS who face stigma, depression, lack of self esteem and poor adherence and little has been done to address such issues that seriously impact on their well being. Due to all these factors many children fail to exploit their full potentials.



We therefore thought it wise to initiate an organization to strengthen the support for this category of communities and children that are disadvantaged.


New Hope For Children Org is an organization formed to extend wider service to the marginalized children in communities of greater Masaka.

Our emphasis is to assist the most needy Communities  and children especially the abandoned, neglected, isolated ones. orphans and those living in extreme poverty, and those living with HIV and AIDS. By providing them with necessary support; physical and emotional support, to restore the lost hopes in them and help them to be the persons they deserve to be.


You can visit the PROJECTS page to see the projects we do in poor communities to help those in need.

"Let us build strong children before we have to fix  broken men "

Our Mission

To develop and support children to have new hope, live healthier and more responsible lives as they grow.

Our emphasis is to assist the most needy children especially the isolated ones, the orphans, those in extreme poverty, and those living with HIV and AIDS between the ages of 3-18. By providing them with necessary support, physical and emotional support, to restore the lost hope in them and help them to be the persons they deserve to be. Education in one of the most important step we want to begin with as the first step to change the lives of these children

Our Mission

Our Vision

Love and care for every child, to have access to basic education, spiritual, social and health care. and all the necessary support

We Need Your Support Today!

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